Aviation 101 seminar aims to attract more women to industry

Prepare to be inspired at the “Aviation 101: Aviation is For Women” seminar during the 2023 Abbotsford Airshow, hosted by two leading female aviation organizations, The Ninety-Nines Inc and Elevate Aviation.

“We are committed to breaking down barriers and encouraging more women to consider the aviation industry as their future careers, or simply to learn what flying is all about,” said Robin Hadfield, president of The Ninety-Nines Inc., International Organization of Women Pilots. 

“Our one-day workshop provides a platform for women to learn, network, and gain the knowledge and resources needed to pursue their dreams in aviation.” 

The day-long seminar will feature classroom-based instruction, a catered lunch, guided instructional tours of Chinook Helicopters aircraft and flight simulators, and a visit to the Abbotsford Control Tower. Participants will also receive a complimentary pass to enjoy Friday evening’s airshow performance.

The Aviation 101 for Women seminar is open to women ages 16 and up. Dina Jammaz, an air traffic controller with NavCanada and director of community engagement and indigenous partnerships with Elevate Aviation, expressed her enthusiasm for bringing more women into aviation. 

She highlighted the low representation of women in various aviation roles and emphasized the importance of promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion within the industry. 

“Currently, women represent only a small percentage of pilots, mechanics and air traffic controllers,” Jammaz explained.

Hadfield added: “The future of women in aviation is limitless. For over 90 years, women have been making significant contributions to aviation as pilots, mechanics and engineers, breaking records and achieving a remarkable place in aviation history. It’s time to let the world know that aviation offers a rewarding career for women.”

Aviation 101 for Women is not just about careers; it also covers fundamental aviation topics such as aircraft flight, radio communications, navigation, air traffic control, what all those little symbols on the runway signs mean, and Canada’s airspace. 

Whether attendees are interested in general aviation or considering a career in the industry, this seminar provides valuable insights and knowledge.

The seminar will take place at Chinook Helicopters, Abbotsford Airport. For more information and to register for Aviation 101 for Women, visit abbotsfordairshow.com

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