Embention provides professional training for autopilots

Embention is offering an intensive drone training course designed to equip enthusiasts and professionals with the necessary skills to operate its Veronte autopilot system.

The course spans five days, providing participants with a comprehensive learning experience that combines theoretical knowledge and practical application in the world of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). During the initial three days of the training course, participants dive into the theoretical aspects of Veronte and its configuration using the PDI Builder tool.

The training kicks off on a Monday with an overview of the Veronte system, familiarising participants with essential components such as connections, sensors, and communications.

Tuesday delves deeper into the capabilities of the PDI Builder tool. Participants explore automation, flight phases, block programs, workspace management, and mission creation.

The introduction of hardware in the loop simulations allows participants to gain valuable hands-on experience in a controlled environment, simulating real-world scenarios and enhancing their proficiency in using the Veronte autopilot system.

Wednesday serves as the culmination of the theoretical training phase. Participants have the opportunity to apply their acquired knowledge by building a configuration from scratch. In the afternoon, Embention’s engineers conduct comprehensive ground tests.

On the Thursday, an Embention PDI engineer and pilot demonstrates effective platform management and the significance of proper communication between operators.

This allows participants to witness the Veronte autopilot system in action, followed by a comprehensive post-flight analysis. Based on the results obtained, modifications are made to the configuration for the flight on Friday.

On the Friday, participants conduct a ground test and operate the platform themselves to apply their newly acquired skills under the guidance and support of Embention’s expert trainers.

By the end of the training course, participants will have developed the necessary skills and confidence to autonomously operate UAVs powered by the Veronte autopilot system.

In February, Skyfly and Embention announced that they would collaborate on avionics and motor control.

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