Flight form Guadalajara to Aguascalientes - Bell 407

USD $5,800.00 (CAD $7,570.02)

Flight from GDL to AGU

$2400 USD per hour

$5,800 trip cost

5 Passengers

Turbine Helicopter

Bell 407

1.10 hour flight each way

2:20 total flight


Guadalajara is a city in western Mexico. It’s known for tequila and mariachi music, both born in Jalisco, the state of which Guadalajara is the capital. Guadalajara’s historic center is dotted with colonial plazas and landmarks such as the neoclassical Teatro Degollado and a cathedral with twin gold spires. The Palacio del Gobierno houses famous murals by painter José Clemente Orozco.


Aguascalientes is a city in central Mexico known for the Spanish colonial buildings in its historic center. On the Plaza de la Patria is the Nuestra Señora de la Asunción Cathedral, with 18th-century paintings by Miguel Cabrera. The 17th-century Government Palace is known for its many carved interior arches. The National Museum of Death displays funerary art and artifacts from pre-Columbian times to the present.


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